woensdag 12 januari 2011

Cycling in the night ,hope to find a Hotel!!!!!

Yesterday it was what you can call a heavy day &it was also fun and full of excitement. First we left our horseranch were Salome drove on very big horses.Then we went to the tourist office to change our busticket to Bangkok to Hua Hin, i asked the clerk 100 times if the minivan and the bus could take and she assured me :Don't worry.Then we went to the house of Ed & Marianne 2 dutch people who live in ao nang and are so sweet and nice people.Then we rented a motorbike to get to Krabi town to get a new Visa.It went ssmooth in 1,5 our we arrived back at Ed & Marianne were we drunk coffee ,did a swim in their pool.After 2 hours they left and we could stay to wait before leaving to get the minivan.So far so good.at 14.00 we cycled from the house to the Starbucks were the minivan would come to pick us up.It was not coming at all and i called the office 4 times and there the tough work started.1 fully loaded pick up truck with backpackers and big rucksacks arrived,the driver got out his car and the first welcome he had impossible no way you can bring the bikes and this cost you a lot of money.I ignored him asked the backpackers to help met to get 1 bike on the roofrack, they helped really fantastic and Amira left with Salome and 1 bike on the roof with a lot of nearly accidents and here bike without ropes dancing on the roof she made it.For me another pick up arrrived with even more bags and people on it but with again fantastic help of backpackers i arrived to.The new challenge : get on the big bus.The Chef called Pakman came immediately to me with the information:Impossible to bring your bikes.I told him don't worry and i help you but every minute he got more angry and stressed out,again i ignored the crazy moneywanted thai freak(ofcourse most thai are great and nice but some thai people working with tourists are sometimes big stinking rats) and stayed in my own energy.After twenty minutes he came to me and told me : Now it's no problem and all the people got in and packed the bus.I had the honour bading in sweat to try to get our bikes in the luggage compartment after giving birth to the first bike the chef came again and said you have to get out it will not fit,then i gave him 200 baht and he said no problem again.But there was a problem there was not space.But with a lot of tears and sweat i finally got the stuff in and we left the south of Thailand in heavy rain.We had the luck we had a bus with upstairs 50 places and downstairs a table with around it seats it was full with a french family,brothers and sisters who let us in their camping car vibe.It was a great time with them Salome had a new friend and they looked together to a little dvd player the movie Lion King.At 3.00 in the night i went to the bus driver if he didn't forget to stop in Hua Hin and 3.30 we arrived at Hua Hin.It was dark,some drunk people and we a family with a little girl getting the wheels on the bike and all other articles we had to remove for the bustrip.Then our night cycle tour started.In the bus i already booked a hotel but we had no clue were we were.We cycled and all hotels were closed.Then there was a tourist and we asked him a hotel and he told me were he stayed we went there and when a was calling :Heloo,Sawadee at the reception desk the clerk slept under the desk and we got in the most stinky hotel with a lot off animals who normally don't live in a hotel.But i was happy we had a room.Amira went up i unloaded the bikes,paid,locked the bikes and went to the nightmarket to get apple juice for Salome.When a walked through the hotel i heard all the beds making music of the rhythm of old white people making'love with young thai woman.We didn't saw or heard much of this industry till now but now we were in the middle of the heat.We slept got breakfast and cycled away to find a place were we feel good and can relax.In this tour we met 2 world cyclist  talked with them and also bought a new pump wich we lost during our journey.2 hours of searching and no place at all,Salome saw a place with rabbits in all colours of the rainbow she said there it is.We stopped at a imense luxury hotel and Salome played with the Rabbits,while Amira checked the room and the pools 1 on the roof and 1 at a big garden with soft grass with an amazing seaview i told here it's great &fantastic but really expensive.She told me ok now you look,i went to the room and it was a place so beautifull,there was a sweet pepermint smell and view is amazing.I tried to do my best to get a better price they started at 5000 and finally i made it to 2100 baht per night(wich is a lot in Thailand already but in Europe nothing for this quality).We stay here 7 days and then they are full and we have to look for a new place.We feel like a king,Queen and there princess.Amazing service,free dvd library,internet,toothbrush,shaving equipment etc. etc.In Thailand you live 1 moment in hell an the other in heaven.We really love it here.We took a swim in both swiming pools,went to the evening market and now we gonna look a dvd .Fantastic

Love you all

1 opmerking:

  1. He! Goeie avonturen. Tof dat jullie steeds van alles geregeld krijgen en zo doorzetten, ondanks gekke chauffeurs en andere wezens.
    Geniet ervan!
    Liefs, Ronald.
